Here are some screen captures and some thoughts behind the layout of a GUI BBS, in this specific case, the GUI BBS is TeleFinder Group Edition software developed by Rusty Tucker at Spider Island Software.
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I've been using this BBS software as a client support BBS since March 1989 and have had the good fortune to have BBS users and clients who have shared many ideas on how to layout the files on this BBS, to promote ease of use and a configuration that has served many users quite well.
With the increasing popularity of TeleFinder Group Edition and FirstClass BBS from SoftArc, I thought it would be helpful to share our layout for others to see, who are thinking about involving one of these GUI BBS applications to support their own needs. I'm not suggesting our BBS layout represents the best possible configuration, or that TeleFinder is superior to FirstClass. I'm simply sharing what has worked well for us and represents almost three years of experience with users who have very little other telecommunications experience.
Hopefully, this will help future GUI BBS administrators waste less time re-inventing the wheel, so to speak.
Drop us a message, if you have any questions.
Rod Paine
CIS: 72017,117
ASTEC Customer Support BBS (703) 338-6025, 14.4k bps V.32bis
This document put together with DocMaker v3.8 (thank you Mark!) Capture 4.0 with Capture Viewer 2.0 (thank you Mainstay!) and TeleFinder Group Edition. (thank you Rusty!)